Iron City Hoops
Improve Your Game
Iron City Hoops is a local basketball organization in Birmingham, Alabama. Our goal is to provide an avenue in which kids can learn basic fundamentals of the game of basketball through our skills sessions and spring teams.
We will focus on all aspects of the game through our skill sessions. In these sessions, we will focus on dribbling, passing, shooting, learning how to create space by sweeping and swinging, meeting the pass, posting moves, proper defensive stance, sliding your feet for defense, and closing out on an offensive player. All instruction will be provided in a positive environment.
We also will offer our defensive four on four sessions which will teach the game in a fast paced, highly repetitive environment. In these sessions, we will teach offensive skills including how to cut to the basket without the ball, how to set screens, how to pick and roll, and how to backdoor cut. We will also teach the players how to read and use a screen to determine which cut to make, and whether it is a curl cut, under-cut, over cut, or flare cut. On the defensive side, the players will learn proper rebounding techniques, how to close out on an offensive player, how to play help side defense, how to work through screens, and how to use the different ways to defend ball screens.
We want the kids to learn more than just dribbling through a bunch of cones. We want to teach them all of the aspects of the game. All kids will do all drills, no matter what position they play. All players, post and guards, will learn the fundamentals of ball handling, posting up, etc. The game has changed and evolved over the years but to be the best offensive player possible, a player must have the ability to score inside and outside. This will make your child a more complete offensive player. Our plan is to work efficiently and to cover every aspect of the game. This is about basketball and about utilizing the time properly to help your kids to improve as basketball players.
We carry the same focus on fundamentals into our work with the spring teams. These teams compete in local tournaments. All team members play in every tournament. Our main goal is growth of the individual player through structured practice and game action.
It is important for us to teach your kids the game to the best to our ability. More importantly, we want to be positive role models in their lives even after they are long gone from us! We have a great staff who have a passion for the game with great basketball knowledge.
We would love to have your child participate with us and to be a part of our basketball organization. Our ultimate goal is anything that we can do to help your child improve as a basketball player and as a person!
Wayne Murrah
Iron City Hoops